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REC1755182   Iniciació a la metodologia AICLE per a primària
2023-2024   Curs telemàtic (en línia asíncron). Educació Primària
   1/12/2023 - 27/12/2023 (30 hores) de 1:00h a 23:59h
   VT Curs a distància
   _ (A distància) 
Format   En línia
Sincronicitat    Asíncron
Organització   Associació Somdocents
Tipus activitat   23SD Iniciació a la metodologia AICLE per a primària
Inscripció   01/09/2023 - 01/12/2023
Cost matrícula (Euros)   85
Descripció i   Metodologia:   This course is conducted in English. As stated by the Departament d’Educació, in order to be able to follow this course adequately, it is mandatory to have a B2 or similar English level.
During this course, participants will learn some basic principles of CLIL methodology in primary school, and they will also practice the theory throughout some practical activities.

This is a virtual activity that does not require synchronization at a certain time. We will work in a Moodle environment with text and virtual resources and interaction tools with the trainers of the activity.
The activity is done through the XTEC portal and the training entity's website.
Objectius   - To learn the key concepts related to CLIL methodology.
- To provide methodological and linguistic resources to introduce AICLE methodology into the classroom.
- To offer strategies to introduce AICLE methodology into the classroom.
- To learn how to use scaffolding strategies in order to support the language learning process.
- To distinguish between input and output. To be able to use both of them.
- To design an AICLE activity.
Continguts   Module 1:
This module introduces the importance of multilingualism from the point of view of a multilingual country and then it talks about the meaning of CLIL and how it can be introduced in the classroom. It also explores ways to allow learners more contact with the target language.
- Ingredients for successful CLIL
- Defining CLIL
- What? Why?: the importance of using the CLIL program
- Using languages to learn and learning to use language: learning the importance of the language in the classroom
- Forums and practical activities

Module 2:
This module introduces important aspects of the CLIL program. It gives resources on using technology to enhance learning.
- The 4Cs framework.
- Oliver Meyer’s strategies for CLIL

Module 3:
This module introduces the evaluation, selection and modification of published and authentic materials for a CLIL curriculum.
- Scaffolding and tips for good Scaffolding
- Oliver Meyer’s strategies for CLIL
- Examples of CLIL tasks for Primary Education
Formador/a   Andra Mihaela Dumitru
Avaluació   There is a continuous assessment through the various activities that the course participants will do in each module. To pass the course it is necessary to have a positive assessment of all the planned tasks.
At the end of the course, the course participants will complete a satisfaction survey to assess the training activity. These questionnaires will help review and modify, if necessary, the content and development of future activities.
Module 1:
- What are the benefits of bilingualism or multilinguism? (Practical activities). INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION ACTIVITY: Students have to critically summarize the given information in an article by Jasone Cenoz that goes through the main benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism. The aim of this activity is to understand the importance of multilingualism at a young age and explain the necessity of CLIL.
- What do you think is CLIL? (Forum). SHARING ACTIVITY: students have to share what CLIL is for them. The aim of this activity is to identify the key concepts of CLIL.
- Short activity to do in class (Practical activities). PRACTICAL ACTIVITY AND REFLECTION: Students need to create a CLIL activity and reflect on what makes it CLIL. The aim of this activity is to create a new activity, making use of the new information provided and of the communication technology.

Module 2:
- Content activity (Forum). SHARING PRACTICAL ACTIVITY: Students have to create a content activity on a chosen level and subject. The students must comment on what they think about their fellow students' activities. The aim of this activity is to design and develop an educational activity and materials for secondary school students, including digital materials, that allow to adapt the curriculum to the diversity of the students.
- The meaning of the 4Cs (Forum). Students must share their own opinion about what the four Cs are and they have to create a short activity for each one of them, mentioning the subject and level. The aim of this activity is to identify key concepts related to the CLIL methodology and comment on their importance, all the while designing an activity within the framework of the epistemological paradigms of the four areas.
- Real activities according to Oliver Meyer’s strategies (Practical activities). INDIVIDUAL PRACTICAL ACTIVITY: Students must create a complete activity that can be used in the classroom, starting from Oscar Meyer's strategies. The aim of this activity is to distinguish between input and output, and to use both of them by designing an activity that must reflect on which strategies to use, what level and subject the activity is better suited for and when they would introduce it.

Module 3:
- Tips and activity design (Practical activities). ACTIVITY CREATION: Students must choose a scaffolding tip (between linking language, or content, or cognition) and they must create a suitable activity for a certain level and subject. The aim of the activity is to use scaffolding strategies in order to support the language learning process.
- Design an activity related to scaffolding (Practical). Students must choose between interaction and grouping activities in CLIL or cooperative activities and they must create a suitable activity for a certain level and subject. The aim of the activity is to create resources related to CLIL to learn, communicate and, most of all, to share knowledge between their students.
- Design a Sample (Practical). ACTIVITY CREATION: Following a schema provided in the course PDF that encompasses everything seen during the three previous weeks, students must be able to create feasible activities for a certain level and topic. The aim of this activity is to design a CLIL activity using an integrated way of disciplinary, transversal and multidisciplinary knowledge appropriate to the primary school level. It is important to show the understanding of the learning objectives of the areas of knowledge that it establishes the curriculum.
Requisits de  certificació   To receive the certificate qualification “Pass” is required carrying out successfully all the coursework and the satisfaction questionnaire.
E-mail   somdocents@somdocents.com

Activitat reconeguda en resolució de data 24/01/2024 pel Departament d'Educació en virtut de l'Ordre ENS/248/2012 (DOGC 6205 de 3 de setembre de 2012).